The Fashion Plateau - Styles of The Lost World

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What Lies Beneath - Underwear in the Lost World

We’ve announced it a while ago and have kept our devoted readers waiting for way too long. Why is it so difficult to write about underwear? Is it the pressure of our deep commitment to serious fashion reporting? Maybe. Is it our fear of being accused of lewdness and catering to a low-brow audience? Not at all. We have written about leopard print after all.

A white t-shirt is always a classic
We kept the women in the photo because our male readers like to look at them

No, it was simply a problem of getting the right kind of information. Just like all the other high quality publications we have our local correspondents who give us the first-hand information that our readers crave so much. After the sad incident with Vantu Kyle we had lost our inside source at the Treehouse. No more interviews with the explorers, no more Fashion Plateau exclusives. But our readers can rejoice again. We have hired a new local reporter, who has delivered an amazing amount of facts about the last unknown factor of Plateau Fashion.

Heini, our bilingual local correspondent
A true Renaissance man - journalist, head-hunter, brilliant conversationalist

Meet Heinrich, nickname Heini, our intrepid headhunter and journalist. You may wonder about his name, he is actually the love child of an Austrian explorer and a native girl. The fact that he’s bilingual and speaks German with a most charming Viennese accent was an incredible stroke of luck for us. Marguerite was delighted to speak German and reminisce about Vienna and its lovely architecture and cultural life. True, Heini knows all this only second-hand from his Dad’s stories, but when you live in the Treehouse you can’t be too choosy about your friends.

What is this man looking at?
He is admiring the clean white of a lovely corset

So what does lie beneath? Well, the photo material is rather scarce, but Heini was able to send us a few documents that prove that both male and female explorers have a preference for white underwear. Miss Krux had to relinquish her silk underwear in the first month of the expedition, we are not sure whether she originally brought any colorful models to the Plateau. We do know that she kept several corsets and camisoles, all of them white. The fabric looks like cotton and lace, a practical and equally feminine choice.

The men are very fond of basic white cotton undershirts. This again shows their commitment to designs and fabric that are practical for everyday wear, but still pleasing to the eye.

As our photo documents show, the basic white Tee is a classic for any age group.

A pleasing sight from every angle
Yes, that man is still staring at her...

Much has been speculated about what our male explorers wear underneath their chic khaki pants. The long speculation ended when Lord John Roxton succumbed to the charms of Danielle, the Voodoo Queen (see also Fashion Atrocities). Although they were not disturbed by trogs while doing whatever it is that Voodoo Queens and their hapless victims are doing in the middle of the jungle, they had the misfortune of being snapped by one of the numerous Plateau paparazzi. Rumor has it that Miss Krux acquired all negatives and is sometimes showing photos to Lord John Roxton, when he gets jealous about gentlemen who are trying to flirt with her. “At least I don’t consort with jungle tarts!” she was overheard time and again.

Hard to decide what's more dazzling...
Her smile or the fabulous white corset

The t-shirt accessorized with suspenders and hat
A rugged look doesn't mean that the t-shirt has to look grubby

Do all explorers wear the same type of underwear like Lord Roxton? Maybe… maybe not. Part II of our series will bring more clarity in this matter.

What really matters in the Lost World - all about clothes, hair and make-up

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